Despite the current lock down and isolation, we had a great showing for the Virtual Washington CC 2020 AGM on Friday night. The entire committee and several players joined in, and over the course of a few cold beers we got through all the business in fairly good time. All members of the committee have been elected and whilst they have largely stayed the same, there are 2 notable changes...
Former VC Richard 'Apollo' Creed has been elected Washington CC Club Captain. In addition, former Recruitment Secretary Max Murrain is now Washington CC Vice Captain. Congratulations to you both. I'm sure all Wash men will offer them their full and continued support on and off the field, and more so now than ever before, we look forward to hopefully getting some cricket in, under the steady hand of these two gents! (Itching to smash some leather now....) Best to all!
As previously advised, the face to face meet up for the Washington CC AGM 2020 is cancelled. However, we are still holding it... this Friday evening from 6.30pm, via Zoom. How utterly modern of us WFH Washington CC Cricketing types you say. We will update you of outcomes after meeting, or if you're interested in joining in... please let us know and we can send you the link.
In the meantime, please enjoy this fabulous Desparadoes Tour video put together by Russ Pendry. Stay safe all and dream of smashing leather! Cheers Events are moving fairly fast these days and so along with all the other coronavirus emails, social distancing and WFH directives, we too have a few things to announce.
AGM The face to face meet up for the Washington CC AGM 2020 is now cancelled. We will however hold a Skype or Zoom meeting at the same date and time so that we can rattle through important club matters. Details will be sent out nearer the time and of course you are all still more than welcome to join in. Please email us and let us know if you're likely to join in. Club Captaincy There is a real risk that the season will be dramatically impacted ad the start of the season will probably be delayed. Right now our cricketing brethren are appropriately more focused on work continuity and the health and well being of your nearest and dearest. Cricket… it is hard to believe, is likely to be way down the pecking order of priorities. With the season disrupted and with many other things taking precedent, we are inclined to go with the majority position of the Club Committee, and the less traumatic route for the club, and suggest that dual captains be put in place for 2020, and until such time as we can have a meaningful vote with all the committee and the senior members of the club offering their undivided attention and opinions, by way of a proper vote, as to the club captaincy question! This is an unusual situation for the club, but fittingly, this matches the unusual situation we are in globally. You can voice our opinion on this by emailing us all getting on the AGM call, where this matter will be discussed further. At some point - read most likely 2021 - it will be important to get to a clear captain and vice captain set up... and resume normal service. Best wishes to all at this crazy time. Stay safe and well and look ahead to the days when we can soon Smash the Leather! Washington CC Committee The Washington Committee is back at HQ (The Washington Pub) for one of the most important meet ups in the calendar... and you're all invited.
Being on the Wash Committee, in any role, is a big volunteer only responsibility and needs dedicated Wash people to keep the club ticking over. Aside from the difficult decisions and robust discussions, life on the committee is good fun. Of course there are regular AGM formalities to get through, but this session is also a good way for club members to engage with the committee and make suggestions for future events or other ways to improve the club. We can also take your membership fees if you want to cough up this night, and there is an all important vote on the future Club Captain, and possibly other roles up for grabs too. Come along on the evening of Friday 27th March 2020, from 6.30pm (7pm start), for some food and drink in Martha's Bar at The Washington Pub and hang around afterwards for a good old Friday evening pub session. This message assumes that we will not yet be quarantined and that you will all be fit and well and virus free. Elbow bumps only. Cheers, Stu Marsh Washington CC Chairman |